You must test your environment periodically to verify that the mechanisms that you have for connecting the disk to the operating system continues to be a reliable connection. 必须定期测试环境,以验证用于将磁盘连接到操作系统的机制仍然是可靠的连接。
In other words, the data on a disk that is restored to a snapshot looks like the data on a disk after an operating system crash. 也就是说,恢复到快照的磁盘上的数据与操作系统崩溃前磁盘上的数据接近。
We will be migrating the system to a new SAN disk for the operating system. 为了这个操作系统,我们将会将此系统迁移到一个新的SAN磁盘。
The disk stored the operating system and data. 该磁盘存储操作系统和数据。
Later, it was the Disk Operating System which came along and provided a consistent way for programs to interface with hardware through the BIOS. 之后是磁盘操作系统,它为提供一种统一方式通过BIOS连接程序与硬件。
Disk operating system module tester 磁盘操作系统模型试验程序
Disk operating system/ virtual storage 磁盘操作系统/虚拟存储器
Extended disk operating system 扩充的磁盘操作系统
These characters C:> are the MS-Dos ( Microsoft disk operating system) prompt. >这几个字符是微软磁盘操作系统提示符。
Mapped real time disk operating system For all my pumps, he did not tell the truth he is truly a pump. 映像实时磁盘操作系统盘来问去,他总不实。
Mapped real time disk operating system While accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries. 映像实时磁盘操作系统访问硬盘时,磁盘操作失败。重试之后仍然不成功。
Disk Operating System& Fundamentals of Compiling 操作系统与编译原理
Mapped real time disk operating system 映像实时磁盘操作系统
Disk operating system support component 磁盘操作系统支援部分
Both the Microsoft Disk Operating System ( MS-DOS) and the IBM PC were announced to the public in August 1981. 1981年8月,微软的磁盘操作系统(MS-DOS)和IBMPc同时推出。
The part of a disk operating system that controls the organization and allocation of disk files, which may consist of one or more sectors. 磁盘操作系统的一部分,用来管理磁盘文件的组织与分配,这些磁盘文件可由一个或几个扇区组成。
When IBM needed a file-system and some way to access it, we got the Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS. 在IBM需要一个文件系统和对其进行访问的方式时,出现了微软的磁盘操作系统。
The disk operating system djs200/ xtip 磁盘操作系统DJS200/XTIP
Powerful system softwares, such as disk operating system, macro assembler, ICE ( in-circuit emulator program), and several high-level languages ( BASIC, FORTRAN, PL/ M) make the system easy to use. 它的系统软件很强,主要有磁盘操作系统、宏汇编、在线模拟器和若干高级语言(BASIC、FORTRAN、PL/M),因而使用方便。
Disk operating system supporting Chinese characters and international phonetic signs 一个汉字&音标磁盘操作系统
This lesson will teach the disk operating system-DOS. 本期为第二讲,讲授磁盘操作系统&DOS。
A special multiple computers disk operating system for Ada 一个专用多机操作系统MPC-DOS的设计
This paper introduces a recently developed disk operating system supporting Chinese Characters and international phonetic signs for processing Chinese dialect. 介绍了一个新近开发的适应汉语方言处理的汉字音&标磁盘操作系统的设计思想及其实现。
A Course of Lectures on Computer Application Basis Lesson Two The Disk Operating System ( DOS) 计算机应用基础系列讲座(之二)
In this paper, we suggest an idea to extend PC DOS to a Multiple Personal Computer Disk Operating System ( MPC DOS). 本文论述了一个将PC-DOS扩展成为多机操作系统MPC-DOS的设计思想。
This overcomes the shortage of data waiting in DOS ( Disk Operating System). The tests of real-time display system indicate feasibility and practicality of this research. 本文所研究的实时显示系统进行的试验,也表明了本研究的可行性与实用性。
This paper discusses the limitation of the real-time control to radar when using disk operating system ( DOS) on personal computer ( PC). 讨论了用PC机DOS操作系统控制雷达实时工作时所存在的一定的局限性;
Describes a computer system controlled by Chinese speech. Operated on CC-DOS ( Chinese Character Disk Operating System), it possesses functions controlled by oral Chinese as: calculating with 6 arthmetic and 11 junior functional calculuses, forming for reporting statistics, compiling and printing simple documents. 介绍一种实时汉语话音控制计算机系统:在汉字DOS支持下工作,具有话控算题(包括6种算术运算和11种初等函数计算)、话控报表、简单文件打印等功能。
I/ o drivers within the disk operating system 磁盘操作系统的I/O驱动程序
Through analysis of the TSR ( Terminate and Stay Resident), the principle to achieve the real time multitask system on DOS ( Disk Operating System) work station in enterprise management information system and the key technique in achieving multitask are discussed. 通过对TSR(驻留程序)的分析,讨论了企业管理信息系统中DOS磁盘操作系统工作站上实现实时多任务系统的原理及具体实现时的关键技术。